Traumatic brain injuries can occur anytime and anywhere, drastically altering the lives of those who suffer the injuries as well as their families and loved ones. While brain injuries know no schedule or calendar, March is nationally recognized as Brain Injury Awareness Month.
Locally and further bringing attention to the month, The Washington County Commission as well as the Town of Jonesborough issued proclamations of recognition for Brain Injury Awareness Month during their most recent meetings.
“It is important for our entire community to be aware of brain injuries and the effects they can have upon individuals and their families,” said Crumley House Board of Directors Chair Stephen Dixon. “It is our hope that the public continues to be educated on this important health issue and we thank Washington County and the Town of Jonesborough for helping us advance our message and our mission.”

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force or trauma. There are more than 5.3 million individuals in the United States who are living with a permanent brain injury-related disability. That’s one in every 60 people. At least 2.8 million Americans sustain traumatic brain injuries in the United States every year.
The Crumley House Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center continues to be a national leader in assisting those who have experienced and survived a traumatic brain injury. The non-profit organization provides Residential Services, Rehabilitation Services, an Adult Day Program and Service Coordination geared toward its mission of enhancing the quality of life for survivors of brain injury by enabling them to maximize their potential.
Highlighting Brain Injury Awareness Month will be the Joggin’ for the Noggin 5k and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 25. In addition to bringing awareness to traumatic brain injuries, the event serves as one of the major yearly fundraisers for The Crumley House.
Touted as one of the most scenic 5K events in the region, the run/walk takes place at The Crumley House (300 Urbana Road, Limestone, TN) beginning at 10 AM. With a beautiful Appalachian Mountain backdrop, it’s the perfect family fun/fit event to usher in Spring. An added plus includes a satisfying pancake breakfast, made in the Crumley House kitchen, and served immediately following the race.
“Be it our residential program, our adult day program, service coordination or simply our day-to-day operation, every dollar counts toward us being able to enhance the lives of those who encounter and are living with a brain injury,” said Guynn Edwards, Crumley House Executive Director.
Click here for more information and to register for the event.