Service Coordinator
What is Service Coordination?
The Crumley House Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center has received a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health/Traumatic Brain Injury Program to provide services to individuals with brain injuries and their family members in 9 Northeast TN counties. Service Coordination is designed to bridge the gap in services to individuals with brain injuries. The Service Coordinator evaluates the needs of each individual and identifies appropriate resources within the community. Services include assistance with applying for Social Security Benefits, TennCare and insurance issues, and referral to appropriate housing.
Referrals to this FREE service can be made by the individual with a brain injury, family members, rehabilitation facilities, or any affiliated professional in the community.
In addition, Brain Injury Services Coordination will assist in the following areas:
- Providing information and referral
- Evaluation and assessment of needs
- Development of a service plan to meet the identified needs
- Assistance in locating and accessing resources and services such as medical care, housing, counseling, transportation, rehabilitation, vocational training, and cognitive/behavioral training
- Advocacy for brain injury survivors and their families
- Support Group Information
- Increasing awareness within the community
- Promoting prevention of brain injuries
- Providing family education
- Assistance in development of new programs to benefit TBI survivors and their families
If you would like more information about Brain Injury Services Coordination, brain injuries, The Crumley House, or would like to make a referral, please contact Fredda Roberts, Service Coordinator at (423) 257-3644 or toll free at (866) 892-7246.
*(Individuals with brain injuries do not need to be affiliated with The Crumley House to access Service Coordination)